You can contact us by phone, email or use the form on this page.
Tel: +44 (0)1368 373848
If we don't answer we are on an adventure. Please leave a voicemail and it will come to our phones remotely. Thanks!
Hedderwick Hill Stables
By Belhaven
East Lothian
EH42 1XF
Directions to Ocean Vertical
Hi Folks!
We are based at the beautiful Hedderwick Hill Stables, a few minutes outside Dunbar in East Lothian, 20 miles east of Edinburgh.
We are less than 5 minutes from the A1 and sit between Foxlake Adventures and East Links Family Park.
The only vehicle access to us is off the A1087 signposted Hedderwick Hill Farm.
From Edinburgh or the South
Take the A1 and come off at the Thistly Cross Roundabout, following the signs for Dunbar.
This will take you quickly to a second roundabout, turn right towards Dunbar on the A1087.
A couple of hundred meters beyond this turn left signposted Hedderwick Hill Farm.
There's a residents only sign - that's ok - keep going and you will see Ocean Vertical signposted further on turning left.
We are around 1 minute away in the woods!
Welcome To Adventure.
Where to find us